The Set-up: Create several grids (roughly 10×10). 4 players in each grid as pictured. The player pictured in red should actually be holding a pinnie instead of being in a different color for the other 3 players. There should be several balls by each grid.
The Exercise: 3 players attempt to keep the ball away from 1 defender inside the grid. When the 1 defender wins the ball, he should hand his pinnie to the player who gave away possession. The player now holding the pinnie must sprint to a different grid to become a defender (pictured above).
This is an outstanding variation to the typical 3v1. It increases the amount of movement while making the exercise more competitive and enjoyable.
- Crisp passing
- Angles of support
- Defending
- Quick transition
Note: Coach can restrict touches, increase or decrease the size of the grid depending on ability of the players.
- Vary slightly the size of the boxes and have separate rules for each square. Example: one box is larger and is 1 touch only, another box is maximum 2 touch and the other boxes are unlimited touches. The players have to respond to the different challenges as they change boxes.
- Second, you can add a time limit where you don’t want to have the pinnie (i.e. be on defense) after a specified period of time – this creates a fun frenzy of activity at the end of each period.
If you enjoy this exercise Coach Donahue recommends:
Possible Warm-up/1st Activity: | Progress to: |
3v1 Knock the Ball off the Disc | Jeff Tipping Fast Break Attack |
Circle Warm-up | 4v2 plus 2 possession box |