The game offers a great opportunity for players to learn how to recognize when to attack quickly, when to build up, and how to defend numbers down. Transition, both offensive and defensive, is constantly present as well.
The Set-up: Two teams of 5 players plus 2 keepers play in an area approximately 40 yards long by 30 yards wide. The coach can manipulate the dimensions of the field, but when teaching counter-attacking the field should have more length than width.
The red team begins with all 5 players on the field. White has 3 players on the field with 2 more players on their end line.
The Game: 5 Red’s attacks the 3 whites and try to score a goal. If the red are successful their goalie should play them a new ball and the game continues 5 red vs. 3 white. If the white win the ball they have two options.
- Attack immediately if a goal scoring chance is on, the “Quick Counter”
- Pass back to a white teammate on the end line. The 2 white would now join their 3 teammates in the attack while 2 red players’ sprint to their end line (Pictured below)
Note: The coach should observe whether the players are making the correct decisions. If there is a good opportunity to be successful on the quick counter-attack once you’ve gained possession take the chance attacking numbers down, if not, play back to your teammate and build-up. Now, possess and wait for a good scoring opportunity to present itself.
The Game now becomes 5 white vs. 3 Red with 2 red’s on their end line.
This is a great game for players U12 and above. It is continuous and fast paced. Players are constantly faced with decisions that the “real game” presents.
If you enjoy this exercise Coach Donahue recommends:
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