Pre-School Early Kickers Program Spring 2020
LUSC offers an introduction to soccer for Lexington’s 4 and 5 year old preschool children. This “Early Kickers” program is designed to provide young Lexington children an opportunity to be active, develop motor skills, and have fun in a soccer setting.
Dates: 6 Tuesdays, 4/28/20 to 6/2/20
Time: 2:00 to 3:00 PM Location: Lincoln Field
Girls In-Town Grades 3-4 (U9-10) Spring 2020
Dates: 4/4/20- 6/6/20, 9 weeks (No program Memorial Day weekend.)
Games: Saturday games and 1 weeknight practice
Lexington girls and boys playing soccer all over town on Saturdays is a familiar sight to both Lexingtonians and visitors. Mixed teams of 3rd and 4th graders play in a 7v7 format, and thrive on fair competition, teamwork, and improving soccer skills.
To register for these programs as well as learn about other LUSC programs offered this spring & summer please go to https://lexingtonunited.