The Game: The Coach names each grid after a city (create 3 or 4 cities) and divides the players equally among them. Begin by having the players go clockwise or counter clockwise to visit each city before returning to their “home city”. Everyone should be traveling in the same direction.
1st progression:
The Game: (pictured above) Coach now asks the people of Boston and Chicago to travel clock-wise and the citizens of Detroit and New York to travel counter clock-wise. This will force the players to get their heads up to avoid the traffic while traveling to the different cities. Which group can make their way home the quickest?
Final Progression:
The Game: All teams travel in the same direction, but now the coach designates a “gate keeper” to protect their city. This will introduce a defender and force the attackers to try to be creative in making there way through the different cities. Ask the gate keeper to remain outside the city limits.
Go a few times so everyone gets to be the gatekeeper!