The following programs are available for High School age players:
- 9th-12th Grade BAYS Travel Soccer (Spring & Fall)
- Lexington Player Development Academy (LPDA)
- High School Mentor Program
Bays Travel Soccer – Spring 2023
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High School
BAYS Travel Soccer
- Sundays, 7 weeks (Apr 23rd – Jun 11th, 2023).
- Games will NOT be held over Memorial Day weekend.
- Cost: $125.00
- Deadline to register: Friday, Mar 10th, 2023. Uniform orders placed after Mar 12th will not arrive before the start of the season.
These teams will play in the Boston Area Youth Soccer (BAYS) league Division 3, which uses the 7v7 game format on 9v9-sized fields or the standard 11v11 format, depending on registration numbers. LUSC will field an appropriate number of teams depending on the number of registrants. There are no evaluations.
Players are required to wear the official jersey, shorts and socks to all games. They are also required to have a LUSC pinnie for practices. Please note: In Spring of 23, ALL PLAYERS will be REQUIRED to purchase a new kit.
Players who are 18 or will turn 18 during the season are required by Massachusetts Youth Soccer Association to complete the adult athlete SafeSport course in order to participate.
Like all of our LUSC BAYS offerings, we rely on volunteer coaches to make this happen. In this case, we will need a coach or two for each team. We would appreciate a volunteer for the boys and for the girls who would be willing to work with a LUSC representative to help place teams in the appropriate divisions.
Lexington Player Development Academy (LPDA)
Please see the LPDA page to learn more about the high school aged LPDA teams that are fielded in the winter and spring.
High School Mentor Program
A LUSC player mentor is a high-school aged soccer player who assists the coaching staff of a LUSC team.
This program benefits multiple parties in LUSC. Mentors benefit by having a chance to give back to the soccer community, and by serving in a leadership role that instills responsibility and commitment. Players benefit by seeing the technical and tactical level of older kids, by being motivated to continue their soccer careers, and by having more fun in practice. Coaches benefit by having technically qualified players demonstrate proper technique, and having an extra player to even up numbers and raise the level of the game. Finally, LUSC itself benefits by deepening the connections within the Lexington soccer community, and planting the seeds for future volunteer coaches.
The program runs formally only in spring seasons, as high school players are too busy in the fall with their own teams. However, they can mentor in the fall through private arrangement with individual coaches, but the same guidelines apply. Mentors commit to attend at least one team practice a week. This would usually be the individual team practice, and not the pro clinic. In addition, the mentor is encouraged to attend home games. Mentors are for teams U9 to U14. In order to maintain an age gap between mentor and players, 9th graders may mentor U9 to U11 teams, 10th graders may mentor U9 to U12 teams, and 11th and 12th graders may mentor U9 to U14 teams. Only girls can mentor girl’s teams, and only boys can mentor boy’s teams. LPDA teams can also have mentors, but priority goes to non-LPDA teams. Mentors are not allowed to serve on a team which has a player as a family member, or is coached by a family member. Mentors 18 or older need to be CORIed (contact Registrar). There are no special insurance requirements. Mentors do not receive BAYS coaching cards, nor should they be listed as assistant coaches on rosters. If they are present at a game on the coaches’ sideline and are asked to leave the sideline for not having a card, they should obey. In no circumstances should mentors be the only team official present on game day, or asked to run a practice without other adults present. Mentors must notify the coach before the season if they wish to obtain Community Service hours. It is the responsibility of the mentor to provide the necessary form to the coach to sign.
Mentors should behave in a responsible, adult manner. They should see their role more as a coach, and not as a player. They should instill respect for the game in the players. Mentors are recommended to attend our Introduction to Coaching Course taught by LUSC DOC Brendan Donahue. Coaches should not rely on mentors to formulate practice plans or lead practices. Mentors are there to assist coaches, not to do the job of the coach.